
The Best One Week Itinerary for Big Island

The largest in the Hawaiian archipelago, the Island of Hawai’i is fondly referred to as Big Island. The moniker is certainly well suited as the breadth of landscape here is unmatched. From snow-covered mountains to black sand beaches to active volcanos to luscious green valleys, there is truly no end to the adventures that await on Big Island. With this action-packed one week itinerary, you will get to experience it ALL!

Each Hawaiian island has its own ambiance or draw. Big Island is unmatched in its sprawling landscape and diverse microbiome. It’s also one of the best places in the world to snorkel with manta rays, which is a truly surreal experience. Big Island is a perfect destination for anyone looking for both the beautiful coastal scenery Hawaii is known for, as well as endless breathtaking hikes, catching a peek at some molten lava, and watching the sunset from an almost 14,000-foot snowy mountain top.

With the Island of Hawai’i being as large as it is, one week affords you enough time to hit the highlights and capture the essence of Big Island.

While you may think of Hawaii as a beachy keen relaxation destination, you will assuredly miss out if you spend your entire trip at the beach… or even worse, the pool. Below we have detailed the perfect itinerary for anyone looking to make the most of their days adventuring around on Big Island. 

The Nitty Gitty Before Paradise City 

Remember, Big Island is just that…. rather big, which means in order to see everything, you will want a rental car. In order to hit all the highlights, you will be putting in some time in the car driving around, but all your drives come with breath-taking views, so it won’t feel like a hardship.

Big Island has the most climate diversity and is more spread out than her sister islands. Vibe check: pretty laid back. There’s not going to be as much retail shopping or late night dining options. That being said, there will be gorgeous hikes, snorkeling, and sandy beaches available in spades!

map of highlight for a one week itinerary for big island


Depending on where you flew in from and when you departed is largely going to dictate how much you’ll be looking to do upon arrival.

Keeping the day-one itinerary light, an easy first post-flight activity is a nice walk along the beach. Wawaloli Beach Park is close to the airport and makes for a lovely first stop, with lots of little tide pools to explore. As a bonus, there’s restrooms and showers here, so even if you get a bit spirited in your walking about, you can rinse off before you get back in the car.

Catching your first Hawai’i sunset will be a priority. Along Ali’i Drive, behind the Kona Inn Shopping Village, there’s a large grassy area that stretches up to a seawall. This creates a perfect, relaxing perch to watch the sun go down. As a bonus, there’s a plethora of restaurants and shops in this area if you want to wander around and grab dinner. A scoop of gelato from Gypsea Gelato will be just the perfect cool dessert to accompany your dreamy sunset views. 


Logistically it makes the most sense to arrive and depart from the same airport, so even though you’ll likely arrive in Kona, we suggest hopping in the car and scooting on over to Hilo on day-one, so you can start day-two already there. The drive across the island is pretty easy. If you end up driving at night, there aren’t any street lights on Saddle Road, which is less of a safety concern and far more of a delight for the star-gazing passengers.

A note for late arrivals: Most dining establishments are not open past typical dinner hours, so if you have an evening flight, your post-8pm options will be limited. Open until 9:30pm, Hawaiian BBQ Deli is a fantastic fast-casual option in the Kailua-Kona area. The plates are delicious as well as large, so it’s easily shared between two people.


There’s a certain beauty to exploring a new place by just wandering around and getting a little lost. Having an Airbnb or hotel walking distance from the downtown area makes this an easy way to start the day.

If you’re looking to cover a little extra ground, consider using the Hawai’i Island Bikeshare system to cruise around. There’s a post near Russell Carroll Mo’oheau Country Park, which is super accessible. Either walk or ride down to the Liliuokalani Gardens… a serene garden that provides gorgeous views of Hilo Bay and the cityscape. Fun to both walk and bike through! 

Back downtown, Kula Shave Ice has some fantastic shaved ice and açaí bowls… we can personally attest that the Hilo Bowl makes for a great post-bike ride treat. The Hilo Farmer’s Market is open every day of the week, but Wednesday and Saturday are their bigger market days, with more vendors.

Mauna Kea

The afternoon is all about Mauna Kea. Who goes to Hawai’i and expects to find a snowy mountain? Despite being a little out of place in a tropical paradise, watching the sunset from the top of this mountain is a must for any Big Island traveler. 

It takes a little over an hour to get from Hilo to the Mauna Kea Visitor Center (VIS), but before you leave, pack yourself a tasty lunch— or at the very least some hearty snacks. You won’t find a food court on Mauna Kea. You’ll also want to pack an extra bottle of water or two as well… you’d always rather have too much as opposed to not enough! The suggested amount is 500 ml (about two cups) per person per hour. 

Once you arrive at the VIS, take a minute to stretch your legs and walk through the center. It’s interesting to learn a bit about the mountain and talk to the rangers. This stop is not only a nice break, but it’s even more important than that. It’s highly recommended to spend 30 minutes at the VIS acclimating to the altitude. Mauna Kea is unique in its environment– there’s not many places in the world that allow you to go from beachside (elevation = 0 ft) to almost 14,000 ft. elevation in 2 hours. As such, it’s important to take some time to ensure your body can handle it. Altitude sickness is no joke!

If you’re feeling good, there’s a less than 1 mile unnamed hike that begins across the road from the VIS. Not only did it provide a beautiful vantage point to take in neighboring Mauna Loa, but it makes for a nice litmus test to assess how you’d do hiking at elevation.

The Summit

From the VIS, the summit is only 8 miles, but due to the grade and unpaved road, it will take another 30 minutes to reach the summit. We recommend leaving the VIS to head up at least an hour before sunset, so you can walk around a bit and snag yourself a good spot to watch the sunset. 

If you’re an avid hiker and the elevation doesn’t scare you, leave 2 hours before sunset to make time for a detour. On your way up, stop at the third gravel parking lot, just past mile marker 7 to find Lake Waiau. This isn’t what you’d call a popular or frequently traveled trail, but there should be a visible path to follow.

The hike is about 1.5 miles round trip, but if you’re not used to hiking at elevation, you may find this short hike a bit more challenging than expected. Lake Waiau is considered a sacred space, so taking the effort to see this unique natural phenomenon is special. For more information on Lake Waiau or hiking around, check out our Mauna Kea blog post

Once you’re at the summit, break out your jacket (don’t forget to pack one!) and find a good spot to watch the sun go down. Watching the sun set above the clouds at 13,796 feet is a breath-taking way to end the day. Once the sun is gone, make your way back down to the VIS. Believe it or not, the star-gazing is actually better at the lower elevation. Keep your eyes peeled… you might see a shooting star or two! 

Important notes: 

You NEED a car with four wheel drive (4WD) or all wheel drive with low range, with 4WD being the preferred option. Between the unpaved road and the steep grade, this is important not only on the way up, but to safely get down from the mountain as well. You do NOT want any brake overheating or failure. 

Another car tip, be sure to leave Kona with a full tank. You must have at least half a tank of gas before you begin your ascent to the summit from the VIS. 

Do not plan to summit Mauna Kea if you have been scuba diving in the past 24 hours. The extent of pressure changes in that amount of time and the excess nitrogen accumulated can cause decompression sickness. 

Pro-trip: if you plan on stargazing at the visitor’s center, park in the spots facing AWAY from the visitor’s center. Car headlights are rather disruptive to people trying to stargaze and star-gazing enthusiasts will get feisty with you.

Between the five of us, we’ve driven up a handful of times, so it’s nothing to be scared of, you just definitely want to make sure you are prepared when you’re planning your trip! If navigating the car situation sounds too intimidating for you, there’s various commercial tour services available to choose from. Most will provide you with a ride as well as a nice warm jacket, so you don’t have to worry about packing that! 

Cheers To You 

Rolling back into Hilo, make a beeline straight for Ola Brew to enjoy ice-cold beer and some hard-earned dinner. Going to a craft brewery, you expect delicious beers (and they deliver), but we were SO impressed with all the food there as well. Guaranteed to leave you wanting more, the Kalbi Meatballs shared plate is *chefs kiss* fantastic, and the A’A was Salvador’s favorite beer. If you only visit one brewery during your trip, it should be Ola!


The name of the game today is exploring as much of the Hawai’i Volcano National Park (HVNP) as you can… because how often in life does one have the opportunity to see a volcano? Heading south from Hilo, HVNP is an easy 45 minutes south.

When you arrive, the visitor center should be your first stop. It functions as an excellent starting point to make a game plan, empty your bladder, and lather on the sunscreen. There are interactive maps and park rangers available to help direct you wherever you need to head.

Crater Rim Drive

Next up? Continue along Crater Rim Drive and park near the Kīlauea Iki trail or the Thurston lava tube. These areas are close to one another and easily walkable, so snag a parking spot wherever you can. The lava tube isn’t anything too crazy, but it’s worth checking out just to experience how dark it gets down there— plus it’s wild to think lava once rush through the underground tube you’re standing in.

Across the road from the lava tube is the beginning of the Kīlauea Iki trail, which will lead you down to the floor of the Kīlauea Iki Crater. It doesn’t take long to wind your way down to the crater floor, and from there, the trail is marked with cairns, or small stone piles, to keep visitors on track.

Just putting your walking shoes to work, your next stop will be driving to the Crater Rim Drive trailhead and wandering out to the Keanakākoʻi Overlook. Not only does this perch provide a glimpse at the Keanakākoʻi Crater, but it affords a spectacular view of Kīlauea. Kīlauea is an active volcano that intermittently erupts, most recently from September 2021 to December 2022. While this view would be interesting any time, walking out to this viewpoint is a MUST when Kīlauea is erupting. How many erupting volcanoes are you going to see in one lifetime?!

Chain of Craters Road 

In what seems like a world away, the 20 mile drive out to the southern sea cliffs is beyond scenic as the landscape changes drastically before your very eyes. From the jungle-esque tropics near the visitor’s center, to the endless span of volcanic rock, to the stunning blue of the ocean crashing into a wide swath southern coastline, the drive out to the Hōlei Sea Arch is its own delight. 

Once you’re there, a short walk will take you to the Hōlei Sea Arch, serving as an example of both the ocean’s power and nature’s sculpting. The dynamic surf makes for a hypnotic view as the crashing waves slowly erode the southern coastline. Being rather set apart from the more popular areas of the park, it’s easy to consider skipping a visit to the Hōlei Sea Arch, but you have to remember the drive itself is as amazing as the coastline views themselves.

The Southern Loop 

When you’ve had your fill of HVNP, it’s time to begin the drive back to Kona, but the return visit will be filled with a couple pit-stops.

First up, cruise to Punalu’u Black Sand Beach. The sand is an inky black, a plentiful byproduct of the lava rock’s erosion. Keep your eyes peeled for sea turtles as they’re popular here!

If you’re a thrill seeker, looking for an adrenaline rush, be sure to stop by South Point. Not only is this the southernmost point in the United States, but it’s a known spot for cliff diving— with an approximately 40 to 60-foot drop down into the ocean below. The water there is usually 20-30 ft deep, and there’s a ladder hanging down to aid adrenaline junkies in their climb back up. Definitely not for everyone, but certainly a unique opportunity. Begs the age old question…. if your friends decided to jump off a cliff, would you jump too?

It goes without saying, but cliff jumping is always performed at your own risk, and should only be considered when conditions are safe. Not only is there the jump itself to consider but one also must be able to climb back up out of the water. Never do anything you’re not comfortable with, and always trust your gut!

If you’re still kickin’ and feeling a bit groovy after all that adventure, Gertrude’s Jazz Bar, back in Kona, makes for a sensational end to the day. With amazing craft cocktails and effervescent live music, this is the Hawaiian night cap (or two!) you’ll miss once you’re back home


Snorkel Exploration 

About 30 minutes south of Kona, you’ll find Two Step Beach– right next to Pu’uhonua O Honaunau National Historic Park (also worth checking out if you have time!). You don’t have to pay to get into the park to access Two Step, but if you’re interested in the park, it could function as an easy multi-purpose parking spot. If you just want to snorkel, there’s a $5 parking lot available, directly across the street from the beach. 

Two Step is called a beach, but it lacks a sandy shoreline. Instead the lava rock meets the ocean, with a natural two-level shelf that allows snorkelers to enter and exit the bay area with ease. The water is crystal clear, with a colorful assortment of fish. The sea urchins are also plentiful, but as long as you’re aware of your surroundings, it’s more than safe. 

Kealakekua Bay is another notoriously good snorkeling spot nearby. Kealakekua Bay is reachable via neighborhood parking and a short walk OR, if you’re looking to take the road less traveled, a 4-mile round trip hike. That being said, this hike lacks shade and is rather gravelly, so we recommend saving your morning energy for snorkeling and diving around.

Cheap Thrills 

Next up on the agenda? Cliff diving! Heading back up north toward Kona, End of The World makes for your next potential thrilling adventure, or perhaps just a gorgeous view. It’s a short yet gravelly walk from the parking area to the lava rock lookouts.

While it’s a common theme on Big Island, the contrast of the sparkling blue water against the black lava rock is nothing short of enchanting. It’s so relaxing to sit back and listen to the rhythm of the water… not many people can do that at home!

Context clues are huge. If it’s good day for jumping, there will be loads of people— of all ages— jumping in. If there’s no one around but powerful waves, it’s your sign to just post up in the shade and take in nature from above. It’s worth saying twice, never do anything you’re not comfortable with, and always trust your gut!

hike it out

Heading north past Kona, your next destination is Kiholo Bay. There’s an easy-to-zip-past-if-you-don’t-know-its-there parking lot a little north of mile marker 81 on Queen Ka’ahumanu Highway. It’s about a mile hike down to the bay, and shade coverage is intermittent, so ensure you bring some water with you. Full disclosure, the hike itself is pretty nondescript, but the trail leads you right to a lagoon area, which is incredibly serene. Keep an eye out for sea turtles swimming around.

The easy to miss parking lot and one mile hike out to the coast make this a less touristy locale. If you’re looking to have a few moments to yourself with nature, this is a lovely spot. You can walk along the beach to your heart’s content, but the trail goes all the way down to Wainanalii Lagoon making it about 5.5 miles round trip.


There’s nothing like a good breakfast to start the day off right. With a morning full of hiking on the agenda, 808 Grindz Cafe is the perfect spot to ensure we were all fueled up for some hiking. As you head north on the island, you won’t need your phone to occupy you, as the ever-changing topography is rapturing.

Pololu Valley 

The drive from Kona should take less than an hour and a half, but it will be your first sampling of just how amazing it is to get a little lost in the countryside of Hawaii. As you drive, keep an eye out into the ocean (or perhaps just have your passengers stay on the lookout), because it’s possible to see whales breaching from the road as they migrate to Hawaii’s warm waters from December to March. 

The farthest north of the seven valleys etched into the northern coastline, Pololu Valley is immediately gorgeous. Upon arrival, you are greeted with magnificent views of the valley from the lookout point. From there, the trail leads down to a gorgeous black sand beach.

The black sand beach and peaceful creek make this a nice area to relax, but your journey doesn’t end there. If you continue past the valley, you’ll find the Awini trail actually continues to a lookout of the Honokane Nui Valley. This part of the hike tends to be a little more muddy, but it is so worth it for the abounding views that await. You’ll know you’re in the right place when you find a bench facing the big blue. 

Pro tip: if you’re adverse to a nature-pee, make sure you stop at a gas station or grocery store before you reach Pololu because there are no facilities there. No bathrooms, no place to fill your water bottle… nothing. On a busier day, a business savvy local may be found perched near the lookout with a chest full of ice cold waters, juices, and hard seltzers for sale. That being said, he’s not guaranteed to be there, so I recommend arriving prepared.

Post-Hike Delights 

All that hiking works up an appetite, so we suggest making your way to Big Island Brewhaus. Lunch is delicious… we can personally attest to the fish bites, burrito, and BLT being perfect post-hike sustenance. Even if you’re not hungry, their craft beers alone were worth stopping by for! 

Tickets to the Alien Ballet 

You can’t have a full day of adventures without including some evening exploration! Kona is one of a handful of places in the world where you have the opportunity to observe manta rays as they feed. The experience itself is rather wild. Manta rays feed on plankton, which are attracted to sunlight, or at night, the LED light boards put in the water.

As a front row observer, you hold onto the board and merely watch as the mantas astound. They will perform endless barrel rolls and skim along the board— they might even accidentally bump into you once or twice. It’s truly so unlike anything either you may have seen or experienced before. We highly recommend Hawaiian Adventures– we rather enjoyed being part of a small-group tour. Be sure to pack your GoPro or underwater camera!

Sometimes weather can affect tour safety, so booking an activity in the beginning/middle of your trip, may help ensure you actually get to go. If something happens, you can always re-organize your days to make another evening work!

As a note, manta rays are not social creatures, so observing them in their natural habitat is not inherently harmful to them. If you’re interested in manta ray conservation, you can check this out.


Rise and shine! Spearfishing means an early start to the day, but what a cool way to spend your morning? For any newbie fishermen (or women!) the sequencing Top Shot Spearfishing offers will have you feeling comfortable and confident in do time. The day starts in an open-air classroom where everyone undergoes their spearfishing training to ensure safety and comfortability with the tools and environment. Only once everyone is comfortable does the group head out to the ocean. 

Once in the water, the skills on land are integrated in the security of shallow water before the dives are attempted. After spending about two and a half hours out in the ocean, the group heads back to shore with their catches. Top Shot specifically targets invasive species, which is a unique way to use tourism for the island’s betterment. All harvested fish are gut, cleaned, and bagged for successful spearfishers to go make themselves a hard-earned lunch. 

Beach Bum Lyfe 

After waking up early and working hard all morning, the afternoon vibes are inherently more relaxed. Magic Sands Beach is close-by and it’s the perfect spot to take an afternoon cat nap… if it’s there. The name ‘magic sands’ belies the dynamic presence of the sand. Sometimes it’s there, but other times the tide pulls all the sand out and away. 

If you’re looking to try and hit all the breweries on the Island, Kona Brewing make for a nice spot to get out of the sun and enjoy a beer. While Kona Brewing does have a food menu, the street it’s on has a bunch of different options for food, so you can snag whatever strikes your fancy.

From there, either get to walking or hop in the car and head to the Old Kona Airport for sunset. Less than a mile away, this hidden gem is a nice spot to enjoy the sunset away from your fellow tourists. If you thought the current Kona airport is small, the old airport will make it look huge! This area has been turned into a state recreation area… the old runway now serves as a parking lot for the adjacent beach. Definitely low-key but that’s what makes this a perfect peaceful sunset spot!


After spending the last week zooming around the island, your last day should be spent relaxing by the beach. Kauna’oa Beach is arguably the best beach on the island, making it the obvious choice for your sandy leisure-time.

Kauna’oa Beach, like all beaches in Hawaii, is a public beach, but it’s located within The Mauna Kea Beach Hotel. While this may seem a bit confusing, you do not have to be a guest of the hotel to enjoy access to the beach. As a matter of fact, it’s a great way to relax on a gorgeous beach, with access to restrooms, showers, amazing food (and drink) options, and beach equipment rentals. Kids and adults alike can enjoy snorkeling here, but there’s no lifeguard on duty.

The Mauna Kea Beach Hotel averages around $800/night, which is definitely a splurge. As a visitor for the day, parking will cost $21, which may seem a little spendy, but it’s ultimately worth it for the nearby amenities. The public parking lot only holds about 30 cars, so if this sounds like your ideal beach hang, you’ll want to make sure you arrive early to lock down a parking spot. The only downside? This sweet getaway is about 45 minutes north of Kona, but compared to some of you other days of driving, that’s nothing!

peace out girl scout

Once you’re back in Kona, swing by Poi Dog Deli for some fantastic sandwiches to-go and enjoy your dinner with a sunset view. Nothing like ending your trip just how you started it— at your day-one perch along the seawall.

Safe travels back home!

What do ya know?

Big Island holds a special place in our hearts because McKenna (2021) Dana (2022) each spent 4 months living here while working with the Christian ministry group: Youth With A Mission (YWAM). They spent all their free time exploring and adventuring around, which made them perfect hosts for visiting sisters and friends— hence the perfectly crafted itinerary. We hope you have the most amazing time visiting Hawaii and all she has to share!

If island hopping is the name of your Hawaii-adventure-game, Kauai is the perfect pairing for Big Island. The garden island offers completely different and astonishingly beautiful coastlines, hikes, and waterfalls. Be sure to check out our Kauai blog post if you’re planning to visit.

written by Hannah 

Hannah has learned the hard way to be careful what you wish for— sometimes happily ever after lands you with a husband and puppy… in the Midwest.  Despite leaving Florida to move to Wisconsin,  Hannah maintains her bossy big sister role with regular phone calls to keep up with all the little sister shenanigans. Notoriously chatty with her patients as well, Hannah stays busy as a physical therapist, but loves spending weekends exploring newfound hikes. 
