Every girl LOVES her wedding day, and lives for small ways to hold onto the amazing memories of that day. As a newly wed, here are some things I loved that we did and others I wish we had done, to integrate memories from our wedding decor into our home decor and alternatively repurpose it in subtle ways.
Give That Bouquet a Second Life
Eye-catching coasters and trays are already a fun and function way to decorate a coffee table… what better way to do so than with flowers from your wedding day. A subtle nod to your wedding day and a beautiful decor piece.

Dried and pressed flowers can make for a unique wall decor statement piece. If anyone asks, you can certainly fill them in on the sentimental backstory, but it’s a lovely way to nonchalantly put your wedding bouquet on display. Depending on your style, there are a few different small businesses that create these works of art. A few of my favorites can be found here, here, and here.

Put My Name Up in Lights
Last name signs are becoming a popular accent piece or photo op at weddings, but the advantage to choosing a wooden sign, it that it’s super easy to incorporate into your house decor.
Below I have included the wooden sign featured at our wedding, and it’s current home over the coat rack.

Long Live the Invitation
Not everyone has a sentimental attachment to their invitations, but if you were rather fond of yours, it can live on indestructibly as a handmade, wooden engraved replica. A cute decoration for your office or a sturdy memory for your wedding keepsake box… the choice is yours!

Forever and Always
What better way to remember your wedding vows to one another than to have them hung up in your bedroom? Such a sweet and aesthetically pleasing way to reminisce over the promises you made one another. This wood etched pair is one-of-a-kind… just like your love!

If you’re looking for some combined vows and picture action, this canvas print is an awesome option. The floating wood hangers make for a fun, different frame.

Cuff Links
Just a couple sentimental cuff link options to hold your sweetie close. The tiny envelope cuff links are like a men’s locket… perfect for a little extra love on your special day and any day after. Alternatively, you can opt for some simple, elegant cuff links that display a small swatch of you loved one’s wedding dress.

Wedding Dress to Christening Dress
This one s a bit of a long con, since most newly weds don’t immediately have a tiny human needing a christening outfit, but it’s such a precious idea to keep in the back of your mind. So many wedding dresses sit in a box on a shelf forever, so this is a sweet way to repurpose it.

Personalized Wedding Photo Puzzle
Who doesn’t love a good puzzle? It’s such a cute way to put one of your wedding photos to use. A fun activity to do on your anniversary! Also, imagine how much fun you potential kids might have doing a puzzle with mom and dad on it?? Just think, this could be the start of Sunday puzzle night.

Your wedding is such an exciting day in your life that goes by so quickly. These sentimental keepsakes are a warm reminder of the day you promised your lives to one another. We hope you found a new idea or two to make that wedding day last. Congratulations!
Disclaimer: Almost all photos used in this post were taken directly from the site to which the item is linked. With the exception of the two noted, none of these photographs are our own.

written by Hannah
Hannah has learned the hard way to be careful what you wish for— sometimes happily ever after lands you with a husband and puppy… in the Midwest. Despite leaving Florida to move to Wisconsin, Hannah maintains her bossy big sister role with regular phone calls to keep up with all the little sister shenanigans. Notoriously chatty with her patients as well, Hannah stays busy as a physical therapist, but loves spending weekends exploring newfound hikes.