the Five Wandering Soles

the Wherry girls 

Collectively referred to as ‘the Wherry girls’ growing up, we are five sisters that love adventures of any shape and size. Born and raised in Fort Myers, FL, we have an appreciation for a beautiful beach and a well-made bathing suit. With an eleven year spread from youngest to oldest, we are newly married, just out of college, in college, and in high school. We travel to go on vacation, visit friends, do mission work, explore the new part of the country we live in, and go on work trips, but perhaps our favorite reason to travel is going to see one another! We have traveled to a combined 23 countries and look forward to all the future stamps our passports will gather.

No small personalities allowed in this family; we each march to the beat of our own drum and wander our own path– hence the name.  As such all our experiences are a little different… we hope you enjoy our collection of stories,  and we’re grateful you have taken the time  to share in our journey. 


Hannah has learned the hard way to be careful what you wish for— sometimes happily ever after lands you with a husband and puppy… in the Midwest.  Despite leaving Florida to move to Wisconsin,  Hannah maintains her bossy big sister role with regular phone calls to keep up with all the little sister shenanigans. Notoriously chatty with her patients as well, Hannah stays busy as a physical therapist, but loves spending weekends exploring newfound hikes. 


A literal life saving queen, Kayla Grace is an Army nurse in Tacoma, Washington. When she’s not fixing up tiny humans on the peds floor, she is likely to be found running, walking, or hiking outside— or crushing a home improvement project, as she has very recently purchased her first home! Since moving to Washington, Kayla has maintained a plant-based diet— a feat largely unattainable by any other sister, but she makes it look *almost* possible with her I-can’t-believe-these-are-vegan chocolate chip cookies.


CEO of being stubbornly independent, Dana lives to speak her mind as her feisty personality lends itself to her outspoken nature. Dana epitomizes the concept of “spending money on experiences, not things” as she is constantly complaining that she has nothing to wear, but ALWAYS has her next trip on the docket. Dana recently graduated from FSU, and has joining us big kids in the adult workforce. She works with our dad at Wherry Truck Lines, keeping all the good ‘ole boys in line. 


If you look up diva in the dictionary, you will find a picture of McKenna Lee. Loud-mouthed and overly opinionated she may have the biggest personality (read: attitude) of us all. McKenna is in college at FGCU studying digital media design, but her passion lies in her small business Mack Swimwear.  She lives for days spent in a bathing suit, and tries to go surfing in every new beach town she visits. 


The youngest of the Wherry girls, baby Kate is no longer a baby, but a big, bad high schooler! When she doesn’t have to be in school, Kate enjoys running, playing basketball, and cooking all the best gluten-free meals. She’s actually been in flight school the last year, learning how to master aircraft, while flying all over southwest Florida. Lookout Top Gun, here she comes!


While he isn’t an original member of the squad, he recently married Hannah, and is now fondly considered  the-brother-we’ve-never-had by the rest of the sisters. Whenever  Salvador travels,  assessing the local craft beer scene is a top priority. His favorite foreign beer to date is an unattainable Belgium Brugse Zot he has been unable to find in the States the last few years. Salvador currently speaks two languages, English and Spanish, but every time he goes to Italy, his Italian gets a little better! To pass the time between thrilling excursions, Salvador is a professor of exercise physiology at UWL.   
